We roast coffee on a small scale, using artisanal methods combined with contemporary technology.
For us, this means that we manually direct the coffee roasting process ourselves, using our experience and senses!
So no programs that take over this process from humans.
At the same time, with the help of today’s technology, we monitor the roasting process.
In doing so, we use a combination of our experience and new monitoring techniques.
This is a guarantee of high quality and consistency, which is what we look for in our coffee beans.
Quality is not the only criterion we look for.
In addition to this important gauge, we look for coffee beans that are in line with our philosophy.
At Growing Green Coffee, we only buy and roast responsible coffee that is grown with the least possible impact on the ecosystem!
In this way, we guarantee that every link in the process, starting with the coffee farmer, gets the value it deserves.
We roast coffee on a small scale, using artisanal methods combined with contemporary technology.
For us, this means that we manually direct the coffee roasting process ourselves, using our experience and senses!
So no programs that take over this process from humans.
At the same time, with the help of today’s technology, we monitor the roasting process.
Here, the combination of our experience and the new monitoring techniques is a guarantee the high quality and consistency we are looking for in our coffee beans.
Quality is not the only criterion we look for.
In addition to this important gauge, we look for coffee beans that are in line with our philosophy.
At GrowingGreenCoffee, we only buy and roast responsible coffee grown with the least possible impact on the ecosystem!
In this way, we guarantee that every link in the process, starting with the coffee farmer, gets the value it deserves.
Made by the Swiss Wipf AG.
Our bags, containing a variety of coffee beans, are made of a sturdy quality brown kraft paper.
They are resealable and made of compostable and organic material.
100% Compostable
100% Biological material
Sustainable choice
Made entirely from renewable, plant-based raw materials
A union of 8 small farmers’ cooperatives in the northern Nicaraguan highlands.
All their coffee is certified organic and grown in the shade, under a canopy of forests. These provide critical habitat for hundreds of migratory bird species.
Small coffee farms with shade are increasingly being destroyed to make way for sun-tolerant coffee with better yields and lower prices. It is estimated that more than 40% of these coffee farms in Latin America have been lost in the past decade!
By supporting cooperatives like this one, we are making a difference!
This coffee comes from the women within the Co-Operative.
They organized under the Cafe Femenino® program.
This means they get an extra premium for their coffee and funding for projects to improve their entire region!
Many of the women who are members of Asociación de Mujeres Cafetera Plan Mil are single mothers.
They arrived in the Serranía del Perijá subregion as refugees displaced by violence.
Thanks to the cooperative and its partners, today they are coffee growers using advanced agricultural and processing techniques.
They produce this excellent washed coffee.
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